Summer is a time for fun, whether that’s vacations, trips to the beach or pool, and BBQs. With all these opportunities for fun, it’s easy to overspend. As we gear up for the 4th of July and other summer parties, we want to help you save some of your hard-earned money for even more fun before the kids go back to school and fall is in full swing. Keep reading for more budget-friendly tips you can use for your next BBQ.

Tip #1: Find a Free Location

It may be nice to have your BBQ at a shelter house or other outdoor location, but these places can cost extra money to rent for an afternoon. Instead, try having a smaller gathering in your backyard or a neighbor’s. If you have BBQs often, you can ask your neighbors or other guests to take turns hosting them at their homes so that you don’t have to worry about cleanup and costs every time.

Some public parks may also have BBQ stations that are free to use and have plenty of open space for your guests to hang out. Just make sure you remember to bring all your grilling materials with you so you don’t have to make extra trips to the store!

Tip #2: Don’t waste money on fancy table decorations and coverings.

Table decorations can get expensive and often spend the majority of the year collecting dust in a box. Summer is a perfect time to find natural decorations that don’t cost very much and still make your table look Instagram worthy. Use flowers or rocks from your own yard for centerpieces or try placing different types of seasonal produce in a bowl. Not only will this make for a colorful centerpiece, but it can be used for meals later.

If you need table coverings, you can always purchase the cheap plastic ones, however if you host a lot, you might save more money by buying sturdy cloth ones that can be washed and reused many times.

Tip #3: Make Your BBQ a Potluck

One of the easiest ways to make a BBQ cheaper is to make it a potluck! Not only will everyone get a chance to bring a dish they love, but you also won’t be stressed out trying to prepare all of the food for your guests. Assign everyone a certain type of dish, such as sides, mains, salads, or desserts. Every time you do a potluck, you can rotate who brings each dish so that nobody is stuck making the most expensive item each time.

Tip #4: Use Smaller Plates

Whether you buy paper plates or choose to use reusable ones, you can save money by using smaller plates. Not only will you save money by buying the smaller size, but it will also lead people to take less food overall as they are more likely to fill their plate and then stop. 

Tip #5: Food Layout Matters

Most BBQs follow a buffet style, with all foods laid out on a long table. If you follow this route, you’ll want to make sure you pay attention to the order of the foods you set out so that you can save money. First, you’ll want to put the most filling items like potatoes and beans. Then you’ll want to move on to the cheaper items like veggies/fruits/salads. Finish out the table with any bread/rolls and then put the meat at the end. People will end up filling their plates with the cheaper items first and take less of the expensive meat, saving you money and leaving you with more leftovers.

Tip #6: Ask Guests to BYOB

One of the most expensive parts of a BBQ are the drinks. Alcohol, soda, and other cold drinks can quickly add up depending on how many guests you have and how warm it is outside. Encourage your guests to bring their own drinks, not only to save money, but to make sure they get a drink that they enjoy.  

Tip #7: Maintain Your Grill and Grilling Tools

One way to save money at a BBQ that’s not often talked about is grill maintenance. Grills themselves are pretty expensive and you want yours to last a long time. First, make sure you’re putting the correct amount of charcoal or your material of choice in the grill so that you’re not wasting anything. Then, once you’re done grilling, make sure you turn off the grill to avoid further waste. Once the grill is cooled down, now is the time to do a thorough clean of the grill and make sure there’s nothing left that would cause a fire hazard or make your grill less efficient.

In Conclusion

Wanting to stick to a budget shouldn’t stop you from having your summer fun! There’s still plenty of ways to cut costs on your next BBQ and feed all your guests. If you’re looking for more budget tips, check out some of our other budgeting blogs or give your local Availa Banker a call today!